Custom Fields For Customers

ACID Point of Sale Features and Capabilities

Today’s busy and automated world sometimes makes customers feel like you do not take the time to get to know them. The ACID POS Custom Fields feature makes it easy for your business to capture valuable information from your patrons. You can use this data to personalize a customer’s experience and help you better serve them.

Custom customer fields for ACID point of sale

ACID POS already has predefined fields for customer names, gender, birthday, addresses, and other contact information. But a shoe store might also want to record shoe sizes, a hair salon might wish to make notes about the last few cuts, and you may have other things in mind for your business. Knowing a buyer loves green could make their experience at your store extra special if you show them a new product in their favorite color! ACID POS lets you decide what you need to know about your patrons and have it readily available for your employees to help personalize the buyer-experience.

The ACID POS lets you create custom fields for virtually anything you want to retain about your buyers that will be helpful for their future visits. You can make text fields where cashiers or salespeople may type in text or set up a dropdown menu where they can choose from predefined choices.

You might configure a text field to capture something as short as the preferred way to address a customer, such as their nickname. Or you might want something more detailed like a description of the type of clothing they prefer to browse. You can also create dropdown boxes to standardize answers, for instance, “yes” or “no” questions or a choice of a few options.

The Custom Fields feature is never intrusive. Your employees can enter as many of the optional details as they would like, but they are never a requirement. Your store policies and procedures are in control of what information you want to collect. And you have the option of checking out customers that are not even registered in the system.

Sometimes you may want to know things about customers that help your marketing or your salespeople. You could find it necessary to red-flag a customer due to returns, theft or other concerns. You may want to capture information that lets you help your customers feel more welcomed and valued. Whatever your reasons, the ACID POS Custom Field feature enables you to collect the information you need to help your business thrive!