ACID Point of Sale Features and Capabilities
More of your customers are using electronic payments than ever before. However, some customers still use cash, and ACID POS excels at keeping your registers balanced and secure.
When a register is opened for the first time each day, ACID automatically runs an Open Till process to confirm the starting cash balance. The cashier is asked for the total amount being placed in the drawer and then is prompted to enter exact coin and bill value. Optionally you can have the system ask for a second employee to confirm the beginning till balance before that POS terminal can accept sales.
At any time during the session, you may allow cashiers to take money out for deliveries, maintenance, supplies, or any other approved reason. Cashiers can also put additional money into the till. In both cases, they are prompted for the amount and given the ability to select from pre-entered reasons for the adjustment. They are also provided space to put in comments. The cashier sees how the transaction affects the drawer balance and can also see a list of adjustments made to the register during their session.
At the end of an employee’s shift, it is easy for them to close-out the register. The cashier is asked to confirm all of the bills and coins in a final check. If there is any discrepancy, the system asks the cashier to explain the shortage before completing the closure.
The Till Management feature allows you to have complete flexibility in choosing the starting cash amount for any terminal. For instance, you can start any of your registers with different balances at the same or different locations. When you expect more or less traffic than usual, you can fund a till at a higher or lower amount without having to make any adjustments to the system.
ACID POS provides many reports on your operations, including a comprehensive Till Report that shows a summary of all cash received and overall sales. The till report is available at any time and shows many details, such as:
• location,
• staff,
• time opened and closed,
• total cash and credit sales,
• adjustments in or out,
• any refunds, and
• net amount.
ACID POS knows that the accuracy, security, and accounting of your registers is crucial to your business. The Till Management feature gives you the tools that you need to administer your registers and provide you with peace of mind!